Published October 17, 2014 by foregienbella

The Reason I Like My School Is Because They are not like every Other School they different in their own way They are a school full of teachers that CARE about everything you do they care they care if go college they care if you do your homework they even care when you go home they want to make sure everything every step in your life is easy they give you the tools you need you just have to put them to use.If you Every want to get anywhere in life you have to put your best foot forward  to make it in life without your education you can’t get far you will just be a homeless person bagging for change instead of being in college starting a career.

DLA is a school Based Around Learning and Making something out of yourself making sure you know everything you need to know before you go to college and when you get to college they are still going to be checking up on you just to make sure that everything ok and you’re going what you suppose to be doing in college and not acting the fool or being a clown or never in class or never on time for class DLA get you ready for the real world And Show you how to make it and have a million dollar plan in life to get money. DLA Is a Pretty Good School To Attend when Your a Junior going into your senior year.Picture-5

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