Life in Chicago

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Violence In Chiraq

Published November 19, 2014 by foregienbella


The Violence In Chicago Has Gotten Really Bad Over The Last Couple Of Years More Teenagers Are dying everyday. Every Time I Leave School there is a funeral passing Throughout I Just Lost My Friend This Year Over Gang Violence Because Another Girl Step Him Up For No Reason At All Just Because He Was In A Gang He Got Killed, That Sent My whole school upside last year I went to Percy L Julian high school. They Already a Mess Up a School Made it worst when he died because he knew everybody he was known around my whole school.

My Other Friend Nick He Was On house arrest and he was a Junior He Miss Half of his junior year on House arrest and going to a community center in Jan he was about to come back and finish off his junior year and now he is a senior but the reason why he was on house arrest is because his friend had his gun and shot somebody by a gas station The police trace the gun back to who belong to and found out it was his. The violence in Chicago had gotten worst i feel like no one can top Chicago killings but the suburbs are way worst when it come to killing and violence it was so hard to find that to be true but it is.

Chicago Is Not a Bad City but You Have to watch your back living Here because people will use you and just run over like nothing and you’re nothing or think its nothing if you let them do it or run over you they will keep doing it you have to put you’re foot down and stop it while your ahead their are some nice people in Chicago but you have to know how to handle them and not get too too close because no matter what they only care about their feelings and will kill just to protect them selves and whoever they care about.

In Chicago You Can’t even take Your Child To Ride Their bike somebody getting shot standing on the corner a drive by shooting in the bank or mall you getting rob it always something in school when you get out someone trying to fight you for no reason. I want To get Out of Chicago and live a better live i have plan goals and dreams to come true and live i will always love Chicago but their it a bigger and better world then Chicago and if i don’t get out and explore the rest of the world i will never knew until i get out my mom and house and high school and try to be safe you can’t even go to the park without getting shot…………………….R-I-P-Trayvon-Martin-random-30359672-481-720